Research Development Innovation

Focus areas

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There is a growing trend of integration and digitalization in IT, industrial systems, and IoT environments, where R&D is key to competitiveness. Our cybersecurity expert firm places great emphasis on and takes an active role in identifying future cybersecurity challenges, formulating responses, and creating high-tech products and solutions. In doing so, we contribute to the secure operation of cyberspace, IT, and cyber-physical systems.

Cooperation frameworks

Theme identification, conceptualisation

1. Preferred research areas

Alverad’s main research areas are:

  • IoT ecosystem security
  • Security solutions for modern vehicles and vehicle systems
  • Securing industrial control systems
  • Cloud-based systems security
  • Security management systems, methodologies
  • Education

In sectors where digitalization is trending, such as agriculture, healthcare, transport, or even energy, we advocate considering the relevant cybersecurity aspect of developments.

2. Theme identification, conceptualisation

In the respective research areas, we identify the cybersecurity challenges and potential future difficulties that may arise from the development trends in the industry. Moreover, concept definition and hypothesizing the possible solutions are our part.

R&D&I projects

2020-1.1.2-MARKET RDI - Artificial Intelligence-based Industrial Security Assessment and Operations Center
AI module

Research on security states based on which characteristics of the communication protocols and communications of each OT and IoT device can be used to draw conclusions about the security state of a given system.

AI module

Research on attack vectors, the properties of each OT and IoT device, and the characteristics of their protocols which give rise to the possibility of causing abnormal operation, i.e. attack vectors.

2020-1.1.2-MARKET RDI- Development of key management, system-level design, and development for instant payment system terminal
National Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence
Vulnerability testing of self-driving vehicles

Development of forensic methods in sensor networks for autonomous traffic environments

National Laboratory for Infocommunications and Information Technology
Security certification of IoT devices

R&D&I partnerships